Augmented reality is a great tool when it comes to tracking your products at retail. It’s not a matter of just placing your product: an appropriate rotation and sufficient stock are key to maintain a successful revenue stream. Nowadays, there are plenty of ways AR can boost the performance of your merchandising team.
Planogram is crucial
The planogram is the central figure when it comes to your placement: buyers have asigned your brand a certain amount of facings/pegs based on your sales performance. You have worked hard to get said facings and now is not a good times to lose them due to incorrect application of planogram. Your merchandising team can arrive to stores with their devices ready to analice the current state of affairs at your correspondent shelves. Using the camera and built-in planogram info, they can get real time visual feedback of incorrect facings numbers. Then, they can contact the department manager to do the proper placing.
Replenish, replenish, replenish
Once your correspondent space has been sorted out, replenishment is the next topic to attend to. Planogram facings can be translated into units (E.g. 3 facings, 4 units deep). The camera already knows you’re 2 facings out of stock: time to replenish 8 units for those hollow shelves. Now imagine that app making all those calculations for the entirety of the planogram. It stores the data and assigns a store number linked to your GPS info. By the end of the day, your app will gather all the merchandisers data and create a summary file to send to your buyer or replenishment team to issue a suggested PO. Added bonus: all data is photographically sustained.
The price is right
Ok: so your product is correctly placed and fully stocked. Now it’s time to check pricing. The same graphical analysis could detect price anomalies or incorrect POP materials. The summarized info could be analyzed between all merchandisers to pinpoint if it's just a one-store problem (maybe a manager doing a local price change) or if it’s happening across the board on the whole chain.
Here at Inmersys, we are ready to boost your brand’s performance with state of the art technology applied to your daily tools of trade.